在10分钟内学习构建React聊天应用-React JS教程
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In this article, I’ll show you the easiest way possible to create a chat application using React.js. It’ll be done entirely without server-side code, as we’ll let the handle the back-end.

在本文中,我将向您展示使用React.js创建聊天应用程序的最简单方法。 完全无需服务器端代码即可完成,因为我们让处理后端。

I’m assuming that you know basic JavaScript and that you’ve encountered a little bit of React.js before. Other than that, there are no prerequisites.

我假设您了解基本JavaScript,并且您之前已经遇到过React.js的一些知识。 除此之外,没有任何先决条件。

Note: I’ve also created a free full-length course on


If you follow along with this tutorial you’ll end up with your very own chat application at the end, which you then can build further upon if you’d like to.


Let’s get started!


步骤1:将UI分解为组件 (Step 1: Breaking the UI into components)

React is built around components, so the first thing you want to do when creating an app is to break its UI into components.


Let’s start by drawing a rectangle around the entire app. This is your root component and the common ancestor for all other components. Let’s call it App:

让我们从围绕整个应用程序绘制一个矩形开始。 这是您的根本组成部分,也是所有其他组成部分的共同祖先。 我们称它为App

Once you’ve defined your root component, you need to ask yourself the following question:


Which direct children does this component have?


In our case, it makes sense to give it three child components, which we’ll call the following:


  • Title


  • MessagesList


  • SendMessageForm


Let’s draw a rectangle for each of these:


This gives us a nice overview of the different components and the architecture behind our app.


We could have continued asking ourselves which children these components again have. Thus we could have broken the UI into even more components, for example through turning each of the messages into their own components. However, we’ll stop here for the sake of simplicity.

我们本来可以继续问自己,这些组成部分又是哪些孩子。 因此,我们可以将UI分解为更多的组件,例如通过将每条消息转换为它们自己的组件。 但是,为了简单起见,我们将在这里停止。

步骤2:设置代码库 (Step 2: Setting up the codebase)

Now we’ll need to setup our repository. We’ll use the simplest structure possible: an *index.html *file with links to a JavaScript file and a stylesheet. We’re also importing the Chatkit SDK and Babel, which is used to transform our JSX:

现在,我们需要设置我们的存储库。 我们将使用最简单的结构:* index.html *文件,其中包含指向JavaScript文件和样式表的链接。 我们还导入了Chatkit SDK和Babel,用于转换我们的JSX:

with the final code for the tutorial. I’d recommend you to open it up in a new tab and play around with it whenever you feel confused.

,其中包含本教程的最终代码。 我建议您在新标签页中打开它,并在感到困惑时使用它。

Alternatively, you can download the Scrimba project as a .zip file and run a simple


步骤3:创建根组件 (Step 3: Creating the root component)

With the repository in place, we’re able to start writing some React code, which we’ll do inside the *index.js *file.

有了存储库之后,我们就可以开始编写一些React代码,我们将在* index.js *文件中进行操作。

Let’s start with the main component, App. This will be our only “smart” component, as it’ll handle the data and the connection with the API. Here’s the basic setup for it (before we’ve added any logic):

让我们从主要组件App 。 这将是我们唯一的“智能”组件,因为它将处理数据以及与API的连接。 这是它的基本设置(在我们添加任何逻辑之前):

class App extends React.Component {            render() {        return (          
) } }

As you can see, it simply renders out three children: the <Title>,<MessageList>, and the <SendMessageForm> components.

如您所见,它仅呈现了三个子项: <Title><MessageList><SendMessageForm>组件。

We’re going to make it a bit more complex though, as the chat messages will need to be stored inside the state of this App component. This will enable us to access the messages through this.state.messages, and thus pass them around to other components.

不过,我们将使其变得更加复杂,因为聊天消息将需要存储在此App组件的状态内。 这将使我们能够通过this.state.messages访问消息,并将它们传递给其他组件。

We’ll begin with using dummy data so that we can understand the data flow of the app. Then we’ll swap this out with real data from the API later on.

我们将从使用伪数据开始,以便我们可以了解应用程序的数据流。 然后,我们稍后将其与来自 API的真实数据交换出去。

Let’s create a DUMMY_DATA variable:


const DUMMY_DATA = [      {        senderId: "perborgen",        text: "who'll win?"      },      {        senderId: "janedoe",        text: "who'll win?"      }    ]

Then we’ll add this data to the state of App and pass it down to the MessageList component as a prop.


class App extends React.Component {            constructor() {        super()        this.state = {           messages: DUMMY_DATA        }      }            render() {        return (          
) } }

Here, we’re initializing the state in the constructor and we’re also passing this.state.messages down to MessageList.


Note that we’re calling super() in the constructor. You must do that if you want to create a stateful component.

请注意,我们在构造函数中调用了super() 。 如果要创建有状态组件,则必须执行此操作。

步骤4:呈现伪消息 (Step 4: Rendering dummy messages)

Let’s see how we can render these messages out in the MessageList component. Here’s how it looks:

让我们看看如何在MessageList组件中呈现这些消息。 外观如下:

class MessageList extends React.Component {      render() {        return (          
    {this.props.messages.map(message => { return (
  • {message.senderId}
  • ) })}
) } }

This is a so-called stupid component. It takes one prop, messages, which contains an array of objects. And then we’re simply rendering out the text and senderId properties from the objects.

这是所谓的愚蠢成分。 它需要一个props, messages ,其中包含一组对象。 然后,我们只是从对象中渲染textsenderId属性。

With our dummy data flowing into this component, it will render the following:


So now we have the basic structure for our app, and we’re also able to render out messages. Great job!

因此,现在我们有了应用程序的基本结构,并且还能够呈现消息。 很好!

Now let’s replace our dummy data with actual messages from a chat room!


步骤5:从Chatkit中获取API密钥 (Step 5: Fetching API-keys from Chatkit)

In order to get fetch messages, we’ll need to connect with the Chatkit API. And to do so, we need to obtain API keys.

为了获取消息,我们需要连接Chatkit API。 为此,我们需要获取API密钥。

At this point, I want to encourage you to follow my steps so that you can get your own chat application up and running. You can use my in order to test your own API keys.

在这一点上,我想鼓励您按照我的步骤进行操作,以便您可以启动并运行自己的聊天应用程序。 您可以使用我的来测试您自己的API密钥。

Start by creating a free . Once you’ve done that you’ll see your dashboard. This is where you create new Chatkit instances. Create one and give it whatever name you want:

首先创建一个免费 。 完成后,您将看到仪表板。 在这里创建新的Chatkit实例。 创建一个,并给它任何您想要的名称:

Then you’ll be navigated to your newly created instance. Here you’ll need to copy four values:

然后,您将导航到新创建的实例。 在这里,您需要复制四个值:

  • Instance Locator

  • Test Token Provider

  • Room id

  • Username


We’ll start with the Instance Locator:


You can copy using the icon on the right side of the Instance Locator.


And if you scroll a bit down you’ll find the Test Token Provider:

如果向下滚动,您会发现Test Token Provider

The next step is to create a User* *and a Room, which is done on the same page. Note that you’ll have to create a user first, and then you’ll be able to create a room, which again gives you access to the room identifier.

下一步是创建User * *和Room ,在同一页面上完成。 请注意,您必须首先创建一个用户,然后你就可以创建房间,这又使您可以访问到房间标识。

So now you’ve found your four identifiers. Well done!

现在,您已经找到了四个标识符。 做得好!

However, before we head back to the codebase, I want you to manually send a message from the Chatkit dashboard as well, as this will help us in the next chapter.


Here’s how to do that:


This is so that we actually have a message to render out in the next step.


步骤6:呈现真实的聊天消息 (Step 6: Rendering real chat messages)

Now let’s head back to our index.js file and store these four identifiers as variables at the top of our file.


Here are mine, but I’d encourage you to create your own:


const instanceLocator = "v1:us1:dfaf1e22-2d33-45c9-b4f8-31f634621d24"    const testToken = "https://us1.pusherplatform.io/services/chatkit_token_provider/v1/dfaf1e22-2d33-45c9-b4f8-31f634621d24/token"    const username = "perborgen"    const roomId = 9796712

And with that in place, we’re finally ready to connect with Chatkit. This will happen in the App component, and more specifically in the componentDidMount method. That’s the method you should use when connecting React.js components to API’s.

有了这些,我们终于准备好与Chatkit连接。 这将在App组件中发生,更具体地说在componentDidMount方法中发生。 那就是将React.js组件连接到API时应该使用的方法。

First we’ll create a chatManager:


componentDidMount() {      const chatManager = new Chatkit.ChatManager({        instanceLocator: instanceLocator,        userId: userId,        tokenProvider: new Chatkit.TokenProvider({          url: testToken        })     })

… and then we’ll dochatManager.connect() to connect with the API:


chatManager.connect().then(currentUser => {          currentUser.subscribeToRoom({          roomId: roomId,          hooks: {            onNewMessage: message => {              this.setState({                messages: [...this.state.messages, message]              })            }          }        })      })    }

This gives us access to the currentUser object, which is the interface for interacting with the API.


Note: As we’ll need to usecurrentUser later on, well store it on the instance by doing this.currentUser = ``currentUser.

注意:由于稍后需要使用currentUser ,因此可以通过执行this.currentUser = ``currentUser将其存储在实例中。

Then, we’re calling currentUser.subscribeToRoom() and pass it our roomId and an onNewMessage hook.


The onNewMessage hook is triggered every time a new message is broadcast to the chat room. So every time it happens, we’ll simply add the new message at the end of this.state.messages.

每当有新消息广播到聊天室时,都会触发onNewMessage挂钩。 因此,每次发生时,我们只需在this.state.messages的末尾添加新消息this.state.messages

This results in the app fetching data from the API and then rendering it out on the page.


This is awesome, as we now have the skeleton for our client-server connection.




步骤7:处理用户输入 (Step 7: Handling user input)

The next thing we’ll need to create is the SendMessageForm component. This will be a so-called controlled component, meaning the component controls what’s being rendered in the input field via its state.

接下来需要创建的是SendMessageForm组件。 这将是所谓的受控组件 ,这意味着该组件通过其状态控制在输入字段中呈现的内容。

Take a look at the render() method, and pay special attention to the lines I’ve highlighted:


class SendMessageForm extends React.Component {      render() {        return (          
) } }

We’re doing two things:


  1. Listening for user inputs with the onChange event listener, so that we can


    trigger the


    handleChange method


  2. Setting the value of the input field explicitly using this.state.message


The connection between these two steps is found inside the handleChange method. It simply updates the state to whatever the user types into the input field:

这两个步骤之间的联系可以在handleChange方法中找到。 它只是将状态更新为用户在输入字段中键入的内容:

handleChange(e) {      this.setState({        message: e.target.value      })    }

This triggers a re-render, and since the input field is set explicitly from the state using value={this.state.message}, the input field will be updated.


So even though the app feels instant for the user when they type something into the input field, the data actually goes via the state before React updates the UI.

因此,即使应用程序让用户在输入字段中键入内容时感到立即, 但数据实际上是通过状态在React更新UI之前经过的。

To wrap up this feature, we need to give the component a constructor. In it, we’ll both initialize the state and bind this in the handleChange method:

要包装此功能,我们需要为组件提供一个constructor 。 在这里面,我们俩初始化状态,并结合thishandleChange方法:

constructor() {        super()        this.state = {           message: ''        }        this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this)    }

We need to bind the handleChangemethod so that we’ll have access to the this keyword inside of it. That’s how JavaScript works: the this keyword is by default undefined inside the body of a function.

我们需要绑定handleChange方法,以便可以访问其中的this关键字。 这就是JavaScript的工作方式:缺省情况下, this关键字在函数体内未定义

步骤8:发送消息 (Step 8: Sending messages)

Our SendMessageForm component is almost finished, but we also need to take care of the form submission. We need fetch the messages and send them off!

我们的SendMessageForm组件快要完成了,但是我们还需要注意表单提交。 我们需要获取消息并发送出去!

To do this we’ll hook a handleSubmit even handler up with the onSubmit event listener in the <form>.


render() {        return (          
) }

As we have the value of the input field stored in this.state.message, it’s actually pretty easy to pass the correct data along with the submission. We’llsimply do:

由于我们将输入字段的值存储在this.state.message ,因此很容易将正确的数据与提交一起传递。 我们将简单地做:

handleSubmit(e) {      e.preventDefault()      this.props.sendMessage(this.state.message)      this.setState({        message: ''      })    }

Here, we’re calling the sendMessage prop and passing in this.state.message as a parameter. You might be a little confused by this, as we haven’t created the sendMessage method yet. However, we’ll do that in the next section, as that method lives inside the App component. So don’t worry!

在这里,我们调用sendMessage this.state.message ,并将this.state.message作为参数传递。 您可能对此有些困惑,因为我们尚未创建sendMessage方法。 但是,由于该方法位于App组件内部,因此我们将在下一部分中进行说明。 所以不用担心!

Secondly, we’re clearing out the input field by setting this.state.message to an empty string.


Here’s the entire SendMessageForm component. Notice that we’ve also bound this to the handleSubmit method:

这是整个SendMessageForm组件。 请注意,我们也必将thishandleSubmit方法:

class SendMessageForm extends React.Component {      constructor() {        super()        this.state = {          message: ''        }        this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this)        this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this)      }      handleChange(e) {        this.setState({          message: e.target.value        })      }      handleSubmit(e) {        e.preventDefault()        this.props.sendMessage(this.state.message)        this.setState({          message: ''        })      }      render() {        return (          
) } }

步骤9:将消息发送到Chatkit (Step 9: Sending the messages to Chatkit)

We’re now ready so send the messages off to Chatkit. That’s done up in the App component, where we’ll create a method called this.sendMessage:

现在我们已经准备就绪,因此可以将消息发送给Chatkit。 这在App组件中完成,我们将在其中创建一个名为this.sendMessage的方法:

sendMessage(text) {      this.currentUser.sendMessage({        text: text,        roomId: roomId      })    }

It takes one parameter (the text) and it simply calls this.currentUser.sendMessage().


The final step is to pass this down to the <SendMessageForm> component as a prop:


/* App component */          render() {      return (        
) }

And with that, we’ve passed down the handler so that SendMessageForm can invoke it when the form is submitted.

这样,我们就向下传递了处理程序,以便在提交表单时, SendMessageForm可以调用它。

步骤10:创建标题组件 (Step 10: Creating the Title component)

To finish up, let’s also create the Title component. It’s just a simple functional component, meaning a function which returns a JSX expression.

最后,我们还创建Title组件。 它只是一个简单的功能组件,意味着一个返回JSX表达式的函数。

function Title() {      return 

My awesome chat app


It’s a good practice to use functional components, as they have more constraints than class components, which makes them less prone to bugs.


结果 (The result)

And with that in place you have your own chat application which you can use to chat with your friends!


Give yourself a pat on the back if you’ve coded along until the very end.


If you want to learn how to build further upon this example,


Thanks for reading and happy coding :)




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